Direct Pipe® provides a one pass installation solution with a high degree of steering accuracy. This method combines the advantages of microtunneling and HDD technology to excavate the required borehole and install prefabricated pipelines at the same time. Calculated thrust force is used to push the microtunneling machine forward with the pipeline allowing projects to be completed quickly and with minimal impact.
The Trenchless Company offers pipeline installations to clients throughout North America. Our experienced crews are able to complete installations both safely and efficiently using our fleet of Direct Pipe® equipment.
With the Direct Pipe® approach, the soil is excavated using a guided slurry-supported microtunneling boring machine (MTBM). A pipeline is welded to the end of the MTBM, and a pipe thruster is used to push the entire assembly forward into the borehole as excavation takes place. The excavated material is then pumped through a slurry circuit inside the prefabricated pipeline to a separation plant located aboveground.
The Direct Pipe® method can be used in various ground conditions, including soft ground, heterogeneous ground, and rock. The entire job infrastructure is located at one side of the crossing, significantly reducing the footprint on the receiving end. Close-to-the-surface launch and reception pits are also sufficient, further reducing the required footprint. This makes Direct Pipe® ideal for situations that require speed, accuracy, and minimal impact on the surrounding environment.